Destiny 2 has a lot of news coming out weekly regarding changes to Witch Queen and Lightfall. This time, however, it’s all about the grind of the Deepsight Resonating Weapons. This will be adjusted before the trip to Neomuna so that even lazy guardians can still receive their blueprints.
What did Bungie announce? As usual, Bungie has again released another, albeit rather smaller, edition of their TWaB blog post. This time, in addition to a selection of Halloween skins, there are also changes to the deep vision resonance weapons of the respective seasons of Witch Queen.
Bungie is changing the focus of these craftable weapons from weekly to daily. So while players used to go to the season trader every week to ensure their blueprints were completed, the remaining blueprints will soon be available every day.
Note that you can go to any vendor in the HELM that offers such weapons to unlock the rest of your blueprints. However, it may require vendor upgrades.
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We assume that you can only pick up one deep sight weapon per vendor per day. However, since there were ambiguities among the guardians in Destiny Reddit, we also asked Bungie for a correct statement. As soon as we have this, we will adapt this article for you.
Bungie gives you a lot of blueprints, but why?
What could be behind the action? Bungie says they want to help Guardians complete their collection before Lightfall comes out. However, we believe the developer will make the weapons difficult to impossible to access after Lightfall.
So it’s your last chance to snag your favorites before season 16, 17, 18 and 19 content leaves the game on February 28th, 2023 and Bungie may lock the guns and blueprints behind RNG.
When will the change appear? This change will be published with the upcoming Weekly Reset, i.e. January 31st at 6 p.m.
What is the community saying about the change? Destiny 2 players are excited about the upcoming change as it will allow them to get their missing blueprints without a major grind. As a result, players with the following comments cavort in reddit:
What do you think of Bungie allowing players to collect their remaining weapons to complete their blueprints? Please leave us a comment!
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