As has now been announced, Destiny 2 has confirmed that it has wrongly banned some players from the loot shooter. These bans have now been lifted and not only have they apologized, but the affected players have also been provided with appropriate compensation.
This is why players were wrongly banned: In a recently reported incident, Bungie wrongly banned a small number of players who participated in the loot shooter’s PvP.
The developer revealed that “in extremely rare cases, this detection can be triggered for reasons beyond the control of the player.”
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49.99 euros in in-game currency as compensation
This is how they apologized to the players: In an email that has now been made public on Twitter/X by Tom Warren, Bungie personally contacted the affected players and informed them of their official unban and thus rehabilitation.
It is not known exactly how many players are affected. However, Bungie only speaks of “a small amount”.
These players received compensation of 5,000 silver, the in-game currency of Destiny 2. This currently corresponds to the equivalent of 49.99 euros and can be used either for purchases in Destiny 2’s cosmetic shop, the Eververse, or also can be used to purchase dungeons and season passes.
In the email, Bungie writes:
Your Destiny 2 account has now been unblocked and within one week we will grant you 5,000 Silver to use in the Eververse. We sincerely apologize for what must have undoubtedly been a frustrating experience.
writes Bungie in an email to players who were wrongly banned
This is how the unjustified ban was explained: Bungie also apologized in the email for the unfair ban and explained that some accounts were incorrectly flagged as causing issues with game client functionality.
A Bungie spokesperson also commented on the incident, telling Kotaku that “this issue was isolated to a specific ban wave and [Bungie] “We have made changes to the review process to ensure this issue does not reoccur.”
What does the community say about this? Those still affected by a ban are less impressed. It’s also not always easy for banned players to say exactly why they were banned.
In fact, cheating is not always the reason for a ban or suspension. In Destiny 2, even the careless use of third-party software can lead to a ban. Or if you often leave PvP matches and Gambit matches early.
As a result, some players have criticized Bungie for its lack of transparency in its post-ban appeals process, and never knowing exactly what they did wrong.
On the other hand, Destiny 2 finds itself in an uphill battle against cheaters.
Unfortunately, errors can always occur. However, some players appreciated that the compensation now takes responsibility for such mistakes and actively tries to restore the trust of the wrongly banned players.
What do you think about the email from Bungie and especially the amount of compensation. Would that be an appropriate amount for you if you were wrongfully banned from the game? And has this happened to you yourself? Then please write us your answer and experiences directly in the comments.
However, it’s not always just cheaters who ruin the game: Destiny 2 brings important nerf to PvP, but players fear it will “ruin” PvE too