This week, Destiny 2 announced new information about increasing the difficulty in PvE. Power level disadvantages and other adjustments should make it more difficult for the keepers in Lightfall. However, the community is not enthusiastic about it. And now a well-known streamer is said to be to blame. MeinMMO tells you what’s going on right now.
Which YouTuber is currently in the pillory? After Bungie published its blog post on harder paces in PvE last week, the community is discussing it.
Other guardians loudly accuse the content creator Stefan “Datto” Jonke from the Destiny 2 streamer elite. It’s all his fault now. The reason: His comments on the topic in a video would have been the catalyst for these changes.
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Launch Trailer
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Here’s how Datto antagonized the community: The stumbling block for players was a 26-minute video Datto released on February 22nd. So a day before Bungie’s latest blog post came out.
However, this positive assessment of the changes did not suit all Destiny players. Some felt that he was to blame for Bungie thinking this way and making everything unnecessarily difficult.
Players “unsubscribe” Datto from its community membership
Datto has always polarized: Destiny veteran Datto has long been known for making personal comments on the game’s problems. This makes him a polarizing figure in the Destiny 2 community. Especially when his views favored the less popular changes.
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However, a post on reddit, which was deleted after just 20 minutes, publicly denounced Datto for his “elitist” attitudes and demanded that he distance himself from him. The first “official termination” of a streamer by the community, so to speak.
Should he be in the position he is in? Why is he “the Destiny guy”? If his opinions disagree with the vast majority of us [der Community] agree, I don’t think he should be involved.
wrote the user Senspecz in the now deleted reddit post
Datto has been publicly held responsible for the changes
One opinion among many: Even if Datto might get more hearing and attention due to his reach, his video was still just one opinion of many. It does not automatically reflect the opinion of the entire Destiny 2 community.
In addition, Datto has also drawn attention to problems with these changes, which have been completely lost under the accusations. In the same video, he noted that there are also points that Bungie still needs to address, in his opinion.
Bungie inquires about ‘decision’
Community manager follows up: On Twitter, Cozmo, a Destiny 2 community manager, responded to Jacob Shxvel’s screened tweet. He asked what the final decision of the community is?
The answers to this were definitely worth reading:
What is the verdict of the German Destiny community? Do you think streamers actively influence Bungie’s decisions? Or are these just opinions? Please leave us a comment here on MeinMMO.
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