In Season 23, another battlefield has made its way into the twilight of Destiny 2, one that continues to challenge the Guardians and stands as the toughest PvE endgame challenge in Season 23. But a resourceful guardian has now revealed his secret of how to make the task child’s play with an old exo-weapon and perseverance.
This is how nasty the cosmodrome battlefield is: For several seasons now, Bungie has been incorporating the former seasonal activities of Battlegrounds into its Twilight Strike. This means that anyone who wants to earn the most prestigious title “Conqueror” must not only successfully master the normal strikes but also the battlefields.
In the Season of Wishing, it’s the Psi-Ops battlefield in the Cosmodrome that really puts a lot of strain on the Guardians.
All of this and the aggressive style and construction of the battlefields make them a red flag for some players, some of whom feel that these activities were never intended to be a top difficulty.
However, this unusually tough challenge also makes it necessary to think about the best strategy, builds and weapons to carry. Like the Guardian notfreddiegibbs, who mastered the twilight of the cosmodrome thanks to an ingenious loadout trick.
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This is the crucial loadout trick: The key to the Guardian’s success lies in a well-thought-out loadout trick that makes the nastiest endgame activity in Season 23 much easier.
His team relies on the tried and tested exo-weapon “Polaris Lance”, which is having an enormous impact in the current Solar Season 23. To do this, they combine a night stalker hunter who can carry out the carry invisibly.
However, this security also comes with disadvantages. As Notfreddiegibbs writes, it took a lot of time for his team to make the mission easier and safer in this way.
It took 35 minutes [unser Team] did literally nothing other than take headshots with three Polaris lances at everything that appeared. We may now have the world record for the most Perfect Fifth ignitions in one twilight.
explains Notfreddiegibbs via Reddit
Other players report on Reddit that they preferred to rely on frozen opponents rather than solar. They played the top-tier Twilight with triple Stasis Warlock, the Osmiomancy Gauntlets armor exo, and the Twilight Guardian Ice Gun to freeze enemies right at their spawn to give themselves more breathing room.
Aren’t battlefields good strikes? In addition to the best strategy, the Reddit also discusses that the Battlegrounds activities are not designed to serve as a top difficulty. Some would have preferred to see new strikes in the rotation instead of recycling, like NightmareDJK.
This frontrunner needs some adjustments, much like the predatory battleground, Mars once did. You can tell the activity wasn’t designed to squeeze it into a front-runner difficulty. Especially the interior. Three players peering into a single tiny door while you’re constantly spammed by Boomer Knights for 10 minutes is no fun […]
the player finds NightmareDJK
Others, on the other hand, see room for aggressive play in the Cosmodrome Strike, as with every front-runner twilight. However, the guardianship always wants to keep it as simple as possible.
Zac-live also sees it that way and writes:
Yes, the reason most people don’t see this is because of aggressive gaming [in diesem Spitzenreiter] is much more of a group effort than a normal front-runner strike clear. Playing forward alone will kill you in most situations. Playing together at the front allows you to dominate the leader.
commented Zac-live via Reddit
However, the discovery of this loadout trick has shaken up the Guardian community and shows once again that there is still room for innovative team strategies and unexpected solutions in the world of Destiny 2. Especially in the battlefields.
What experiences did you have with the frontrunner twilight in the cosmodrome and what was your strategy for success? Please let us know your best tactics in the comments. Or are you one of those players who find the current Exo mission too difficult and therefore avoid it? Destiny 2 introduces the reward for completing the latest Exo mission in 30 seconds