In Destiny 2, the Immortal submachine gun remains one of the most powerful weapons in PvP. Many thought Bungie would finally end their dominance with the announced nerfs. But reality looks different. It still proves to be a deadly threat, still taking down enemies in an impressive 0.67 seconds.
Several nerfs failed to stop The Immortal: In a blog post, Bungie has announced that it will adjust some weapons that are too strong or too weak. In addition to the “Graviton Lance”, this also affected the submachine gun “The Immortal” and the perk “Aim at the target”.
Bungie found that the Master version of the 750 SMG “The Immortal” was overused compared to other weapons, thereby performing better than its competitors. So in Season 21 several nerfs were initiated.
However, to the chagrin of some players, The Immortal cannot be defeated. Because despite the seemingly short range, the weapon remains strong in PvP. Players can still use it to crush their opponents in the shortest amount of time.
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I see no difference: This result left Guardians confused and angered, as many expected the weapon’s adjustments to significantly weaken it.
The keeper Panduh has now published a test on Twitter after the nerfs, which shows that basically nothing has changed noticeably in The Immortal.
The weapon is apparently still capable of crushing its opponents in a staggering 0.67 seconds – just like before the nerfs.
In this video you can see the direct comparison before and after the adjustments:
Nothing has changed at the TTK: So the effective time to take down an opponent has stayed the same. And it should, as some players had already recognized from Bungie’s announcements.
The hope that the changes would lead to an increase in the TTK (time-to-kill) and thus offer players better chances of survival in the future was therefore not fulfilled and was misleading for some.
The player Morokei thinks so too, commenting under the post: “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stronger placebo nerf”, while the Currently Vibing player comments: “Now we have to wait another three months for the weapon to die.”
And PvP player Benj thinks Bungie should have been bolder with the nerf:
Sometimes it’s necessary to nerf something to the ground because that’s ultimately the best option for the health of the game. Gentle nerfing can be a great approach, but when there are extreme outliers (like The Immortal) you have to be more ruthless.
tells Benj on his Twitter account
Others have argued that Bungie may even be deliberately keeping this powerful attractant in the Trials. “It’s no coincidence that the final Trials of Osiris had such a dreadful player count in Season of the Seraphe and then The Immortal was released,” said Guardian niten08
Will Bungie nerf the weapon again? For Bungie, the balance of all weapons is always important. Once weapon use increases and a larger portion of the player population becomes almost exclusively using a specific weapon, Bungie will aim to normalize it. Protruding nails are therefore sooner or later “hammered in” until nothing sticks out anymore.
And if you look at the statistics, it becomes clear: The 750 submachine gun “The Immortal” continues to dominate the top weapons of the Trials.
While these aren’t the record numbers they once were, it’s entirely possible that Bungie will make further adjustments in the near future to definitively limit the power of immortals in PvP.
Until then, Guardians should exercise caution when hunting or engaging in PvP with The Immortal. Despite her nerf, she remains a powerful and dangerous weapon.
What was your experience with The Immortal after the nerf? How has the MP changed for you in terms of gameplay and dominance? And do you think Bungie needs to and will continue to overhaul the weapon to ensure a more balanced gaming experience? Then please comment your opinion.
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