The Destiny 2 community is receiving more and more hints about an upcoming change to automatic rifles. However, the mysterious hints are not yet met with much approval because they could mean a change for everyone who likes to shoot around without paying attention to their ammunition.
What has Bungie announced? On October 25th, Destiny 2 gave players a preview of future planned weapon tuning in Season 23 and beyond in a developer insight.
The automatic rifles in particular were used in this developer blog as an example of the general weapon balance in PvE. This is where Bungie made the cryptic hint that immediately garnered a lot of attention.
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Bungie teases with a wink: In particular, the winking smiley in the official announcement immediately caught the attention of Guardians because it could indicate a fundamental change to the game mechanics in Destiny 2 with automatic rifles.
Automatic rifles use (for now 😉) primary ammunition
Bungie wrote in the developer insight on
What could this change mean? In Destiny 2, the type of ammunition not only determines its effectiveness, but also the amount of damage a weapon can do.
So, according to Bungie’s announcement, this could mean that automatic rifles could only use special or heavy ammunition instead of primary ammunition in the near future.
Some players therefore feared that their automatic rifles would soon no longer have infinite ammunition and that with this archetype they would again be faced with the challenge of aiming more accurately and thinking about their shots better.
However, other players don’t believe this and are quite sure that Bungie only used the wink in preparation for the upcoming DLC ”The Final Form”.
This could really be behind it: On August 22, 2023, Bungie had already announced various weapon changes in the big “The Finale Form” showcase for the next DLC.
That’s why most players are sure that this announcement is just about this new auto rifle archetype, which could then come as a special ammunition weapon or perhaps as a special/primary ammunition hybrid.
When will the change come? The possible change in the type of ammunition for automatic rifles still raises many questions. It is also unclear when exactly it will come into play.
Another season is planned until the next DLC. So if the players’ suspicions turn out to be true and it is the new “Final Form” weapon archetype, it is unlikely that the change will go live in the upcoming Season 23, i.e. on November 28th.
February 27, 2024, the release of the DLC “The Final Form”, therefore seems more likely to some players.
What do you think of this possible change to automatic rifles in Destiny 2? Do you welcome the idea of an ammo change or are you concerned about the potential impact on gameplay?
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