Destiny 2 Guardians would rather watch YouTube than play the story in The Final Form themselves

A new trend is sweeping the Destiny 2 community Guardians. More and more players seem to prefer watching the story of The Final Form on YouTube rather than experiencing it themselves. Tired of the grind and the same gameplay loop, they’d rather put their feet up.

Why do Guardians want Don’t play “The Final Form” anymore? Since The Witch Queen, Destiny 2 has fallen sharply in the eyes of some fans. In a Reddit thread, players expressed their motivations for this phenomenon.

  • The story of the DLC “Lightfall” started well but didn’t end well. Only now, in the second season, does the story become more exciting and incomprehensible things are explained. But the Seasons do not have many.
  • In addition, there is not much to do in Season 21 and some action-loving guardians were tired of a chilled fishing holiday after just a few rounds.
  • And then there are the problems with the servers, which like to fail in “Lightfall” and therefore require more maintenance work, i.e. downtimes.
  • Not even the PvP and the rank increases are still exciting for the guardians, because there are not only a lot of cheaters, but you are also reminded daily how little Bungie has paid attention to its PvP players for a long time.

    All of this has severely scratched the motivation of the keepers of “Lightfall” to play Destiny 2 with ambition and to enjoy the grind as before. Tired of the same gameplay, you’re already planning to stop playing The Final Form and just swipe the YouTube card.

    Destiny 2: Teaser trailer for the DLC “The Final Form”

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    You don’t want to miss the story, but you don’t want to gamble either

    This is the new Warden story plan: In a Reddit thread that currently has 1,600 upvotes, the player OmegaXVI_Prime asked if the Guardians were still willing to stay in the game to the end and get through the gameplay loop.

    This showed that some people are already toying with the idea of ​​experiencing “The Final Form” and thus the end of the saga of light and darkness via streams and videos on YouTube. Especially if Bungie should stay true to the same gameplay and stretch the story over 4 seasons.

    So would Keeper Obersword, who writes:

    It’s not a bad game by any means, but I’ve lost the joy of the gameplay loop. I play it for the story events, and I’ll probably play The Final Form, but if they extend the main story beyond that, I’ll probably just watch YouTube videos to see what happens.

    comments the keeper Obersword via Reddit

    And here it turned out that the preference for following the upcoming Destiny 2 story beats on YouTube definitely has its supporters, as Antalus-2 comments below: “This guy gets it […]”

    Where will Destiny go?

    The story in particular is still important for the community: Nobody wants to miss the end of the Light and Darkness saga. So if Destiny nerves are on edge again, YouTube would be ideal.

    Here the content is not only shown, but often also processed. This not only saves you the boring back and forth between NPCs and grind, but also better understands the essentials without having to play for hours or read the lore yourself.

    However, the growing shift away from direct gaming in favor of YouTube consumption has also sparked debate about the ultimate purpose of gaming.

  • Some players expressed concern that the focus is then too much on the passive consumption of content and the active gaming experience is neglected.
  • However, others don’t believe that the saga really ends after the last DLC and speculate on another cliffhanger. As player Blupoisen comments, “Let’s see if they even close the story in The Final Form and not say, ‘Oh, you want to know how it ends? Then buy the next expansions…’”

    However, DJfunkyPuddle has a clear opinion on this:

    If they want to reclaim me after The Final Form, then they need to make some major changes to their formula.

    writes DJfunkyPuddle via Reddit

    More detailed information could be available on August 22, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. Because then the big showcase for the upcoming DLC ​​“The Final Form” will take place. There Bungie could also talk about the time after and thus the future of Destiny 2 when the great saga of light and darkness is completed.

    How would you personally answer the Guardian’s question about making it through to the end? And what do you think of experiencing a game alone on YouTube instead of playing it yourself? Feel free to write it to us in the comments and exchange ideas with other players.

    However, there is currently a new Exo mission in Destiny 2, which many guardians regard as the highlight of Season 21, as it is crisp and demanding, is also under time pressure and you do not have to fish indirectly for it:

    Destiny 2: How to fish the new Exotic Scout Rifle “Vicious Tool” in Season 21
