In two or three months, there will be another real highlight in Destiny 2. Episode 3 will bring a “massive exotic mission” into the game: one of the biggest missions Bungie has ever built.
This is the announcement: In an interview with Edge magazine, Assistant Game Director Robbie Stevens revealed (via gamesradar):
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When is this supposed to happen? Act 3 starts on August 27, 2024 and ends on October 8, 2024. Depending on whether the mission hits early or later in Act 3 Echoes, we can expect the mission in two or three months.
Highlights in Destiny 2, but only if they come as a surprise
What is an exotic mission? Exotic missions are special quests at the end of which an exotic weapon awaits the players.
In the past, exotic missions were often the highlights of a year outside of expansions. But that was because they came spontaneously and were discovered by players who weren’t expecting the mission. You could see that in July 2018 around “Black Spindle”. It was like wildfire:
Bungie now seems to be losing that element of surprise by announcing the exotic mission in advance, but apparently it is more important to Bungie at the moment to emphasize how good the new “episode” model is compared to the previous season model.
The episodes only last about 6 weeks, seasons last a few months. As Bungie assures, the new model now makes it possible to “change the world a little faster” and that’s what everyone wants.
You can read here how Destiny 2 will continue after “The Final Shape”: Destiny 2 shows what awaits you after The Final Shape, talks about vampire hunters and captains
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