Destination Italia, booking boom thanks to North American tourists

Destination Italia booking boom thanks to North American tourists

(Finance) – Destination Italyan Italian Travel Tech company specialized in quality incoming tourism to Italy and listed on Euronext Growth Milan, at 31 July it exceeded 20 million euros in total bookings. In May 2022, bookings had reached 10 million euros, equal to + 480% on June 2021, and + 120% compared to June 2019, a record year for the group, then exceeding in June over 15 million. EUR.

L’Europe is the first region with 27% of bookings, followed by North America with 24%, from Russia with 23% andLatin America with 10%. Among the individual countries of origin of reservations, the United States, Brazil, Spain, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and the Arabian Peninsula stand out. In the first half of the year they are high-end tourist bookings from the United States and Australia grew, and tourists from Canada, Holland and the United Kingdom, the Arab Emirates, Israel and several countries in South America. The decline in bookings from Russia remains.

“The whole tourism sector, and in particular the quality and luxury tourism segments, continue to run – commented the president Dina Ravera – Italy reconfirms itself as the dream destination that the world recognizes us, so much so that in recent months demand has far exceeded supply. For us, at this moment, the main challenge is to be able to satisfy all booking requests and to orchestrate the services on the territory during the trip “.
