Destination Gotland raises prices | SVT News

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It is the prices of natural gas that have increased because of the war in Ukraine. Before the war, the normal price level was 30 euros per MWh. Right now the price is 130 EUR/MWh and has been at most 300 EUR/MWh, CEO Marcus Risberg says in a post on the company’s website.

The agreement that Destination Gotland has with the Swedish Transport Administration allows room to adjust the prices annually. The current price increase applies from 2023.

Region Gotland reacts very negatively to the announcement and wants the state to step in and compensate Gotland residents for the price increases.

– As in the rest of the country, Gotlanders and companies from Gotland are faced with high energy and fuel prices and an inflation that means the salary is less and less. Gotland’s society and the business world, however, are doubly affected by price increases when our country road at the same time becomes more expensive in a completely unreasonable way, says the chairman of the regional board, Meit Fohlin (S).
