despite the defeat, a result higher than expected

despite the defeat a result higher than expected

BOLSANORO. Jair Bolsonaro lost the presidential election in Brazil. The outgoing president will not re-emerge, despite a higher result than predicted by the polls.

[Mis à jour le 31 octobre 2022 à 1h04] The polls were wrong but were still right. Jair Bolsonaro was not re-elected president of the Federative Republic of Brazil on Sunday October 30, 2022. The current head of state will have to give up his apron and hand over to his left-wing opponent, Lula, who has imposed with a very short head. While the projections gave only 47 or 48% of the votes to Bolsonaro, the latter finally collected 49.10%. What make this election the tightest in the modern political history of the country. Only two million votes separated the two candidates for the supreme office. The loser can however boast of counting more ballots in his name than during his election in 2018 (58.2 million against 57.8), even if, in four years, the number of voters has increased in the country.

What result for Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential election of Brazil?

According to the final results communicated by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Tribunal, Jair Bolsonaro won 49.10% of the vote, or 58,148,089 votes, against 50.90% for his opponent and now successor, Lula.

Will Bolsonaro recognize the results of the presidential election?

With this defeat, a question now arises that makes Brazil fear the worst: will Bolsonaro recognize his opponent’s victory? Nothing is less sure. The outgoing president has repeatedly mentioned fraud, even being at the origin of a disinformation campaign on this subject. The politician could even challenge them, as he himself admitted before the first round of voting. In recent days, however, the candidate’s speech has changed until he assures, on Friday October 28, after the presidential debate, that the result of the ballot will be respected, as reported by CNN Brasil: “There is no there is no doubt. Whoever has the most votes wins. That’s democracy.”

The reaction of Jair Bolsonaro is difficult to predict in fact and Brazil could remain under tension for several hours after the announcement of the results, the time that the reports of the Superior Electoral Tribunal, the commission and the Ministry of Defense, the latter placed under the outgoing president’s cup, be returned. Bolsonaro was still called by Lula to accept the result of the election and “not to sow confusion in the country”. Likewise, a reaction similar to that of the storming of the Capitol, in Washington, on January 6, 2021, during the defeat of Donald Trump in the American presidential election, is perhaps to be expected from the activists of Jair Bolsonaro.
