Despite the Covid crisis, parents satisfied with nurseries

Despite the Covid crisis parents satisfied with nurseries

The 10th edition of the satisfaction barometer, conducted by the French Federation of Crèche Companies, reveals that parents are still as satisfied with this type of childcare. Even the Covid crisis has not altered their confidence.

Parents always satisfied with the quality of childcare services

Despite the health crisis, parents’ expectations in terms of safety and hygiene in nurseries have been met. The tenth edition of the satisfaction barometer on the quality of service in nurseries in France reveals a rating still as sharp, comparable to the results of 2019, “before Covid”. Indeed, several criteria are subject to the judgment of the parents, some abstract, or subject to a totally subjective assessment, and others that can be evaluated more concretely. It prevents, the satisfaction ratings, given out of 10, are still as high as in 2021 and even as in 2019. Thereby, parental confidence” scores 8.82 out of 10, and “emotional and physical security is rated at 8.65 out of 10. “A level of excellence” for the French Federation of Crèche Companies, which owes a lot to its qualities of adaptation and responsiveness during the Covid crisis and even after. Indeed, the organizational upheavals, as well as the psychological impacts on all the protagonists (staff, parents and children), have left traces that have since proven to have been well supported.

Nurseries during the Covid period: how did the parents experience the health crisis?

The scale of the health crisis due to Covid 19 has given rise to an unprecedented situation, and a largely anxiety-provoking climate for parents, which children, even toddlers, have largely felt and suffered. Despite wearing a mask, and often very cumbersome and methodical protocols, the early childhood staff revealed all their professionalism by quickly adapting hygiene and reception measures. Thus, setting up “health protection rules” scores 8.82 out of 10, and “communication efforts” are praised by an 8.65 out of 10 by parents. Note however, the numerous rule changes and the sudden closures of establishments have slightly impacted the score concerning the consistency of the reception (-0.24 points with 8.58/10) as well as the evaluation concerning the amplitude of opening nurseries, showing a small drop of 0.17 points with 8.86/10.

Shortage of places in crèches, lack of childminders?

The contributions of the nursery to the little ones are welcomed and recognized by more than nine parents in terms of socialization or awakening, In the same direction in 2021, the French Longitudinal Study since Childhood (ELFE) attested to the language acquisitions of nursery children much better than those placed in nannies or childminders. And yet, finding a place in a crèche is a challenge, and the situation is not going to get any better. Since 2016, the creation of places in nurseries “are no longer enough to compensate for the continuous reduction of childminders : less than 43,500 places in three years. The retirement of 160,000 childminders by 2030, as well as the drop in births less than the drop in the number of places in crèches eliminated, risks accentuating the difficulties of placing babies in crèches.

Can a place in a crèche be obtained with the help of the employer?

However, obtaining a place in a crèche remains difficult for parents without help from their employer, believes the FFEC. Close to half of the parents surveyed were able “benefit from a place in a crèche via their employer or that of their spouse. And among them, they would have been almost 3/5 not able to access it without this help“, specifies the study. Parents point to the lack of solutions to have their child looked after and believe that this aid also makes it easier to return to work. The previous survey, during its 9th edition, also pointed to disparities depending on the geographical area. Indeed, 47% of the places offered in 2020 were located in Ile-de-France.
