despite the arrival of humanitarian aid by sea, food is still lacking

despite the arrival of humanitarian aid by sea food is

In the Gaza Strip, the humanitarian situation is disastrous and the UN fears widespread famine. This Saturday, March 16, the first humanitarian aid boat, which left Cyprus, finished unloading its cargo, aid which is still very insufficient given the immense needs of the population. A second aid boat is ready to leave for the Palestinian territory, but its departure is currently delayed due to weather conditions.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Murielle Paradon

The arrival of new aid to Gaza by sea raises hope, even if it will not be enough to meet the needs of the population. This is what Ziad Medoukh, a French teacher who lives in Gaza City, in the north of the Palestinian enclave, says: “ There are 400,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are starving, who find nothing and who are waiting for this aid to arrive, especially flour. They eat a small meal, but in the meal, there is nothing: there is a glass of water, a small piece of bread, apart from that, there is nothing. There’s no fruit, there’s no vegetables, there’s no meat. All agricultural land, especially in the north of the Gaza Strip, has been destroyed. »

Certain products are available on the market, but their prices have soared, specifies Ziad Medoukh: “ In Gaza, a kilo of flour currently costs 30 euros, a kilo of rice costs 40 euros and a kilo of sugar costs 25 euros. So prices never seen in Gaza while people have not worked for six months. »

Many products are resold on the black market, including airdropped aid packages. For Ziad Medoukh, it is above all necessary to remove obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian aid by land.

Read alsoGaza Strip: “We have come to eat wild plants”
