despite “major differences”, the dialogue remains open

despite major differences the dialogue remains open

During discussions between NATO and Russia on Wednesday January 12, Moscow stuck to its positions concerning the non-enlargement of the Atlantic Alliance, a request categorically refused by NATO.

The discussion was not easy. Discussions were direct on the situation in Ukraine and major differences were noted on security in Europe. “, Explained Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, at the end of the meeting on Wednesday.

For several hours, ” the conversation was very frank, direct, deep, intense, but at the same time it revealed a great number of differences on fundamental questions Added Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grouchko during a press briefing.

No agreement between Russians and NATO

The Moscow delegation arrived with demands, according to Alliance secretary general Jens Stoltenberg. Indeed, Russia had already warned the day before of the meeting that an end to NATO enlargement was a crucial point in the negotiations. Thirty member countries are enough, the Kremlin seems to say. Moscow especially wants the enlargement does not apply to Ukraine, which would be a real act such as a declaration of war seen from Moscow, reports our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet.

For its part, NATO has opposed an obvious end of inadmissibility to this requirement. The prospect of NATO membership offered in 2008 to Ukraine remains on the table and the Alliance will judge sovereignly when the country is ready to join it. Likewise, NATO has rejected the Russian request for the withdrawal of troops and military resources deployed in recent years against it on the territory of Eastern allies such as the Balts and the Poles.

I haven’t heard anything new “In the positions expressed by the Russian vice-minister, declared the US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman at the end of the meeting which took place the day after discussions between, exclusively, the Americans and the Russians. ” Some Russian requests are not even questionable », She insisted.

► To read also: Wendy Sherman, seasoned American diplomat, at the negotiating table with the Russians

Continuation of the dialogue

The results of the discussions are not, however, entirely negative, as tensions have shifted from the areas of maneuver to the meeting rooms and above all, the Russians and the Allies have agreed to continue the dialogue and organize new meetings.

While the Ukrainian dossier was at the heart of the discussions, broader issues such as disarmament and ballistic missiles were discussed. So many difficult questions for a tense meeting which ended without tangible results.

(With AFP)

