Despite falling numbers, organizers remain confident

Despite falling numbers organizers remain confident

The 23rd edition of Japan Expo, that of 2024, ended yesterday evening in joy, kindness and good humor as every year. The opportunity for the organizers to reveal the attendance figures, which are down sharply. In four days of festivities, 200,000 visitors met at the Parc des Expositions de Villepinte, which represents a drop of more than 55,000 visitors compared to Japan Expo 2023 which had brought together 255,259 fans of Japan and its all its cultures. In the press release accompanying these figures, it is specified that this drop in attendance was anticipated by the organizers, due to “the unprecedented news taking place in our country”, specifying that the certified figures will be given at the start of the 2024 school year. Arrival of the Olympic Games? Gloomy atmosphere following the legislative elections, we don’t really know what they’re talking about when the organizers of Japan Expo talk about unprecedented news, but by scrolling through social networks, we realize that this drop in attendance has a different ring to it.

Between 25 and 34€ the entrance ticket, which varies according to the day chosen, while the 4-day Pass is charged 90€. The prices have increased and Japan Expo justifies it with a record number of guests from all over the world, especially from Japan. To this must obviously be added dates in the second week of July which inevitably have an impact on the availability of visitors, especially those from July who have already gone on vacation, especially since Japan Expo has historically been scheduled for the first week of July. Another parameter to take into account is the explosion of tourism in Japan, with a Yen that has never been so weak and which allows travelers from all over the world to fully enjoy the Land of the Rising Sun, where everything happens. Finally, let’s not forget that we are still in a period where inflation still has an impact on the finances of the French, which also forces them to prioritize their activities. Despite this circumstantial decline, the festive atmosphere and enthusiasm of the visitors present remained the same, and the organizers are already banking on the presence of Japan Expo at the Osaka World Expo in 2025.

Japan Expo

Japan Expo 2024 in figures:

– 448 hours of programming on the stages

– 487 artists

– 579 events

– 2,861 accredited professionals in total, including 667 internationals

– 900 exhibitors

– 571 accredited companies

– 456 accredited journalists
