Despite all the fuss – the Swedes still want to join NATO

The Swedes are still positive about NATO membership.
This is shown by a recent Sifo survey on behalf of TV4 Nyheterna.
– I think it is connected to the fact that the political leaders are adamant that Sweden should join NATO, says Jenny Madestam, political scientist.

Sweden’s path to the military defense alliance NATO has not been smooth sailing. What some thought would go in record time has become a problem-filled process. Both Hungary and Turkey have put themselves at odds and did not want to approve Sweden’s application.

But through all this, the Swedes’ will to join NATO does not seem to have been affected. TV4 Nyheterna has asked just over 1,000 Swedes if they are positive about Swedish NATO membership.

65 percent positive to Swedish NATO membership

65 percent answer yes. The No side is at 18 percent and 17 percent are doubtful.

– What is interesting in this measurement is this swing that has taken place in a fairly short time when this began to be seriously discussed. When the Social Democrats, who had been a party that was not in favor of NATO, chose to be in favor and their voters also followed the party on this issue, says political scientist Jenny Madestam,

The results from the survey show almost the same results as when TV4 Nyheterna asked the same question to the Swedes in May. Jenny Madestam does not believe that public opinion will change in the first place.

– It would be if we get a different world situation. Because it’s clear that this swing is about the war in Ukraine and concerns about Russia as a major threat.
