Designate your “MAN” to watch your bathing child

Designate your MAN to watch your bathing child

  • News
  • Posted on 05/31/2021

    2 min read

    As summer approaches, the private and collective swimming pools are preparing to welcome the many young swimmers: the opportunity to set up the MAN system which aims to designate the one who will supervise the child having fun in the pool. ‘water.

    Private pools are popular

    Private swimming pools are very popular! Each year, the number of their installations increases with a figure of around + 15%. If in 2018 there were 2.5 million private swimming pools, in 2020, this figure has risen to 3 million. The sad consequence of this attraction for the swimming pool at home, it is the number of drownings which increases.

    Drowning accidents that skyrocket

    Every year, there are nearly 2,200 drowning accidents and 1,000 deaths that take place in a private swimming pool. And it is those under 6 who are strongly affected by these accidents: among these victims, a third are between 0 and 5 years old.

    To limit the number of these accidents which lead to death for nearly half of them, theFrench association of pool builders and pool builders in France offers a very simple solution: appoint someone who will be formally in charge of supervising the child or children who bathe.

    A cousin of SAM

    Did you know SAM, the famous designated driver who assures his entourage not to drink during an evening to bring his friends back safely? Here is the MAN! Inspired by SAM, with the MAN, it is, like our party companion, to designate the one who will be responsible for supervising the children who bathe. Because the supervision of children must be rigorous and unequivocal, because other adults can feel more serene, but also because the one who is explicitly named will take on, for a time, the clear and defined charge of watching over the little bathers.

    It’s up to everyone to find the trick that suits them best: it can be a hat, a necklace or a bracelet on which it will be written “I am the MAN”. Let your imagination run wild, as long as the accessory worn clearly identifies the MAN. Set your conditions and set a time. A MAN can be appointed for an afternoon or for half an hour: the main thing is to know who, precisely, will look after the children. Everyone will then benefit much better from these well-deserved rest periods around the swimming pool.

