(Finance) – “The design sector is faced with complex challenges: the drop in public tenders, regulatory uncertainty and a constantly evolving market. At the same time, there are great opportunities thanks to artificial intelligence and new technologies , who are already transforming the way of working. A stable and clear regulatory framework is essential, which allows companies to plan the future, to anticipate changes and guide them without suffering them “.
This is the message that emerged during the assembly of design and engineering cooperatives belonging to Legacoop production and services, organized today in Rome, at the National Legacoop headquarters, in collaboration with the Polytechnic Cooperative. The event was attended by exponents of the institutions, clients and operators in the sector, to discuss prospects and future challenges.
“We come from a period of great changes,” he said at the beginning Daniele Branca, head of the Design and Engineering sector of Legacoop production and services.
“Pandemia has upset the social and working system, leading to the launch of Next Generation EU and the introduction of tools such as the PNRR and the Superbonus, which have given a decisive thrust to the construction and design sector. The design sector has Seen an exponential growth, thanks to the competitions connected to the works of the PNRR, allowing companies to grow and structure. they recorded a turnover of around 200 million euros in 2023 (+20% compared to 2022)increasing orders, members and workers. But now it is necessary to look forward. It is not possible to plan the future without a clear and stable regulatory framework “.
One of the central issues addressed in the assembly was the new code of public contracts and the related corrective decree. As highlighted by Branca: “We have always supported the need for a clear, simple and stable regulatory framework, indispensable to allow companies to plan the future. The recent corrective decree has solved some important critical issues, As the definition of the regime of the participation requirements and the regulation of assignments, but fundamental issues remain open, such as that of the prices revision, which penalizes the service sector “.
The need for regulatory stability and long -term interventions was reiterated by President of Legacoop Production and Services, Gianmaria Balducci, who said: “companies need trajectories, starting from the European level, for the efficiency and improvement of the real estate assets, which can be reached in consistent times, avoiding inflationary flames. Phenomena such as recent ones, generated by the PNRR, have deformed the market, By creating difficulties for companies and leaving, after a period of overproduction, valleys that are difficult to manage “.
During the assembly, changes that are influencing the market, including the increasing role that the private individual is called to play also in the context of public-private partnership operations, was also discussed. Marco Marcatile, Development Director of Nomisma, He highlighted the absence of a shared vision on the new forms of living, underlining the need for solutions that take into account the complexities and current needs. Luca Boschini, Solution Architect of Cesto, instead explored the potential of artificial intelligence, explaining how it can bring value to companies if integrated correctly and with strategy, focusing on the issues of trust, adoption and implementation.
At the round table, moderated by Flavia Landolfi of Il Sole 24 Ore, on the theme “Public works: new answers for a changing market“, They participated in the deepening on the regulation, digitization and tools of public-private partnership: Consuelo del Balzo, councilor Anac; Anna Corrado, administrative magistrate and expert Mit; Andrea Mascolini, director of Oice; Adriana Zagarese, president of the management council of the Integran consortium to follow a second study dedicated to the design and implementation of the new CONS CONI CONTIMENTS of: Emiliano Cacioppo, Marketing and Commercial Development – CMB; Enrico Fusco, Invitalia engineering services manager.