Description From the USA! “If it supports Russia, it will pay the price”

Description From the USA If it supports Russia it will

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that during the US delegation’s meeting with Chinese diplomats in Rome, they were concerned that the losses caused by the sanctions imposed on Russia due to the war against Ukraine could be compensated by the Beijing administration, and that in such a case, China would pay a heavy price. He said they forwarded it to him.


At the daily press conference, upon questions regarding the meeting of the Sino-US delegations in Rome, Price said that he would not comment on China’s position in the Russia-Ukraine war, but that they conveyed their messages clearly to the Chinese side in this regard.

Stating that the reason for meeting with the senior Chinese delegation was to keep communication channels open, Price said, “This is probably the most important bilateral relationship in the world. As a responsible country, we have a responsibility to ensure that the competition that characterizes our relationship does not turn into conflict.” said.


Pointing out that many countries declared their support for Ukraine and opposed Russia’s attack, Price stated that they did not see a clear statement or attitude from China in this regard.

“We make it clear that we have serious concerns about China making any effort to compensate for Russia’s financial and economic loss or to provide material support to Russia’s war, and that in such a case a heavy price will be incurred not only by the United States but also by our partners and allies around the world,” Price said. We stated.” used the phrase.


Referring to the negotiations with Iran to return to the Iran nuclear agreement, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (OKEP), Price said that the difference of opinion between Iran and the United States could be eliminated.

“As we said, we’ve made significant progress. We’re close to a possible agreement, but we’re not there yet. We’re at a very sensitive stage, so I won’t make any assessments on matters of differing opinion,” Price said. he said.


Explaining that they are doing everything they can to return to the agreement, Price said:

“Given the nuclear advances that Tehran has made, there is very little time left, considering that the prolongation of the process will remove the nuclear nonproliferation benefits provided by the OKEP. Therefore, this issue is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently. It is an issue that we have urgently focused on for a while. We still continue to believe that a reciprocal return to agreement would be clearly in our interests.”


Price, on the other hand, left unanswered questions regarding the allegations that the US administration is considering removing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards from the list of foreign terrorist organizations in return for Iran’s commitment to de-escalate tensions in the region.

The spokesperson stated that this issue is not on the agenda of the negotiations, and that Iran’s full compliance with the OKEP and the relaxation of sanctions against Tehran are at the center of the talks.

Underlining that Iran still poses a threat to the United States and its partners, Price emphasized that it will make it much more difficult to solve problems such as the support they provide to militia forces and terrorist organizations and ballistic missile programs in the region with an Iran that has acquired nuclear weapons. (AA)
