Depression, diabetes… These diseases whose risks can be reduced with 30 minutes of sport per day

Depression diabetes These diseases whose risks can be reduced with

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    While the question of sports sessions reimbursed by Social Security is still in the Government’s plans, it is interesting to take stock: do you know all the health benefits that 30 minutes of sport or physical activity per day would bring you?

    Will 2024 be a year of sport for all? On the sidelines of the Olympic and Paralympic Games which will be held in France next year, Emmanuel Macron wants to make physical activity the great national cause of the coming year. It must be said that in terms of exercise the French are not very good students: 95% of adults are exposed to a risk of deterioration of health due to lack of physical activity or too long time spent sitting, and the next generation is far from moving enough.

    Physical activity, preventive and curative treatment

    However, the benefits of physical activity have been proven by numerous studies, both in prevention and treatment. Benefits that we are not necessarily aware of, affecting all facets of health.

    However, 30 minutes of daily exercise reduces the risk:

    • Depression by 30%, exercise having an effect on stress and anxiety;
    • Type 2 diabetes, 58% by reducing excess weight;
    • High blood pressure and coronary disease of 30 to 50%;
    • Stroke, by 25% by improving the flexibility of the arteries, reducing and reducing atherosclerotic plaques.

    Faced with cancer, daily exercise:

    • Reduces the risk of colon cancer by 25%, and the risk of recurrence by 40%;
    • Reduces the risk of breast cancer by 25% to 30%, and the risk of recurrence by 40% to 60%;
    • In cancer patients, moving significantly reduces fatigue and the side effects of treatments.

    For prevention, sport or daily exercise:

    • Also prevents women from osteoporosis;
    • Reduces the risk of falls and fractures in older people;
    • Maintains cartilage and joints.

    A sedentary lifestyle, as dangerous as tobacco

    Including sport, personally or reimbursed by Social Security, in our daily lives should therefore be a priority to stay in good health. Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo also recalls a strong message:

    What we must realize is that today, a sedentary lifestyle kills as much as tobacco! Resumption of physical activity (we are not talking about sport, but physical activity) is beneficial in the short, medium and long term whether in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention (to avoid illnesses, recurrences, or even to counter complications.”

    But why is the message not hammered home more among young and old? The doctor has his idea:

    “The hypocrisy of the health system today is to say “We will prescribe sport on prescription” but not to reimburse it. Whereas we should invest and decide now to repay it even if the return on investment and the benefits will only be visible in 20 or 30 years. But if we want to focus on prevention today, we must support all generations by emphasizing diet and physical exercise, particularly among children who, according to the latest statistics, move less and less. New professions such as prevention coaches could even see the light of day!”
