Depressed trend for Milan and the other European stock exchanges

Depressed trend for Milan and the other European stock

(Finance) – Difficult session for Piazza Affariwhich trades in sharp decline, in agreement with the other continental lists, which suffer substantial losses.

Slight drop inEuro / US dollar, which drops to 1.074. Weak session forgold, which trades with a drop of 0.70%. Oil (Light Sweet Crude Oil) collapsed by 4.44%, falling as low as $ 97.54 per barrel.

Back to gallop it spreadwhich is positioned at +174 basis points, with a strong increase of 9 basis points, while the 10-year BTP has a yield of 2.65%.

Among the markets of the Old Continent negative session for Frankfurtwhich falls by 1.55%, significant losses for Londondown 2.26%, and in apnea Pariswhich falls by 2.21%.

Black day for the Milan Stock Exchange, which sinks with a 1.69% decline, continuing the bearish trail of three consecutive drops, started last Thursday; along the same lines, the FTSE Italia All-Share it collapsed by 1.66%, down to 26,128 points.

Negative on FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-1.41%); on the same line, the FTSE Italia Star (-1.87%).

A bad day for Piazza Affari, with all the Blue Chips showing a negative performance.

The strongest falls occur on Tenariswhich continues the session with -5.93%.

Thud of Saipemwhich shows a drop of 4.85%.

Letter on Finecowhich records a significant decline of 3.64%.

Goes down Monclerwith a drop of 3.52%.

Among the protagonists of the FTSE MidCap, MARR (+ 1.88%) e MPS Bank (+ 1.46%).

The worst performances, on the other hand, are recorded on Salcef Groupwhich gets -4.89%.

Collapses Saint Lawrencewith a decrease of 4.78%.

Sales hands on Ferragamowhich suffers a decrease of 4.59%.

Bad performance for Alerion Clean Powerwhich recorded a decline of 4.36%.
