Tony Scott was one of the best action directors of his time. He became famous thanks to the incredible success of Top Gun. He later directed genre classics like Crimson Tide and Public Enemy No. 1. His most exciting creative phase However, it only begins after the turn of the millennium – and actor Denzel Washington.
From Man on Fire to Déjà Vu to The Pelham 123 Subway Hijacking: In the 2000s, Scott expanded action cinema by quite a few restless, almost virtuosic representatives enriched. Unstoppable – Out of Control, the last film by the filmmaker who left us far too soon, also fits perfectly into this series.
Unstoppable on Disney+: Suspense masterpiece with Denzel Washington will make you hold your breath
The story of Unstoppable is quickly explained: A 39-car freight train races uncontrollably through the area at 100 kilometers per hour and threatens to derail and crash on a steep curve Fuel depot to crash. Only train driver Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) and his young colleague Will Colson (Chris Pine) can prevent the train from turning into a poison bomb.
You can watch the trailer here:
Unstoppable – Trailer (German)
With Unstoppable, Tony Scott has created a masterful action thriller that designed for high voltage is. Speed plays a crucial role. But just as important is the dynamic between the unlikely duo of Barnes and Colson. The two have to learn to trust each other.
Denzel Washington and Chris Pine convince as an unlikely team who not only have to get the train but also their personal feelings under control. Everything happens so quickly that you… can barely breathe. Essentially, Unstoppable feels like we’re watching events unfold in real time.
Scott lets us experience every decision that leads to or prevents catastrophe through the perspectives of each character. Unstoppable hits the train directly over the tracksbut also gives us a picture of the overall situation. We know at every second what is at stake.
The story of the film works true events back, as the US newspaper The Blade notes. On May 15, 2001, a train without a driver escaped from a rail yard in Ohio and raced unnamed for 106 kilometers across the state. The incident went down in history as CSX 8888.
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