Denmark stops coronavirus vaccine! Here’s why

Denmark stops coronavirus vaccine Heres why

The Danish government has announced that they will stop the vaccination for a while due to the high Kovid-19 vaccination rates in the country. Bolette Soborg, Director of Epidemics of the Danish Health Directorate (SST), said in a statement to the press that the virus has been brought under control throughout the country and that the country is in a “good position” in immunity to Kovid-19.


Soborg, “We will suspend the vaccination program against Kovid-19 for a while.” made a statement.

Stating that they plan to stop the vaccinations as of May 15, Soborg said, “We can start the vaccinations again according to the situation of the epidemic as of autumn. The process will work according to who can be vaccinated and when as a result of professional evaluations.” said.

In Denmark, where all Kovid-19 measures were lifted as of February, 81 percent of the population received two-dose vaccines, while 61 percent of the country received a booster dose.

While the increase in Kovid-19 cases in the country has decreased from 40 thousand to about 1000 since February, the loss of life caused by the virus is developing in the 20s on average. (AA)
