Denmark knocked out – Spain to the quarterfinals

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Both Denmark and Spain had a win, against Finland, and a loss, against Germany, on the account before tonight’s meeting at Brentford Community Stadium in London between the teams.

There, Spain had the advantage in the capacity of better goal difference, which meant that a draw was enough to send the Spaniards to the quarterfinals.

Denmark, on the other hand, needed goals. Despite this, Spain was leading the game and Denmark had a hard time creating clear positions. The best chance of the first half, however, fell to just the right player, seen from the Danish eyes.

The star duo missed chances

The big star and team captain Pernille Harder ran away but free against the outspoken Spaniard in the goal, Harder lobbed the ball over the goal.

The second half continued in the same style where Spain dominated the ball possession while the Danes tried fast counterattacks.

Just one was about to result towards the end when incoming attacking set Nadia Nadim got a good chance, but her finish was saved by Sandra Paños in the Spanish goal cage.

Worse, it was not much more fun than that for Denmark. In stoppage time, Real Madrid player Marta Cardona was able to nod in 1-0 to Spain and then the matter was clear. Spain joins Germany in the quarter-finals, where a meeting against the host nation England awaits.

Germany crushed Finland

A previously quarter-final Germany played at the same time against Finland in Milton Keynes. As expected, the Germans made the process short against the already dependent Finns. 1-0 put Sophia Kleinherne on the nod at the end of the first half.

In the run-up to the second half, team captain Alexandra Popp put 2-0 and a little later Nicole Anyomi increased to 3-0, which was also the final result.

Germany will face Austria in their quarter-final.
