DENK demands resignation of Utrecht PvdA member and D66 member, relations further on edge

DENK demands resignation of Utrecht PvdA member and D66 member

In the letter that Sungur sends to the mayor today, he again ignores his own role in the entire riot. He blames the situation on Achraf Aït Daoua of D66 and Rick van der Zweth, the leader of the PvdA. According to Sungur, the latter was the initiator of the first letter. “It is incomprehensible and unacceptable to me that the councilors involved Achraf Ait Daoua (D66) and Rick van der Zweth (PvdA), who have shown transgressive behavior towards me, refuse to take responsibility for their actions and the damage they have caused ”, Sungur writes today in his letter to Sharon Dijksma. He then adds that he believes that Dijksma should urge the two to resign.
