Demonstrations to save the public hospital

On June 7, 2022, health care workers took to the streets. Their demands have remained unchanged for three years. They refuse “the death of the hospital and the deaths in the hospital”. All the demonstrations in France.

“How many deaths will it take for the health authorities to finally decide to save the public hospital?” ask nine unions and collectives from the hospital sector who are calling for a day of mobilization on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. In a press release, the inter-union group writes: “At a time when our country is going to elect its new deputies, health care personnel and users will be mobilized on June 7: the demands have remained unchanged for the past three years:

  • Recruitment of additional professionals immediately and multidisciplinary training plan, staff ratio adapted to the workload, respect of teams and schedules
  • General revaluation of salaries to make up for the 10 years of stagnation, recognition of constraints and difficult working hours (nights, weekends) and recognition of the qualifications of professionals
  • Reinforcement of significant financial means for the establishments, recruitment of personnel (stretcher-bearers, couriers, workers, logisticians, secretaries) allowing to refocus the caregivers on their job
  • Stop all closures of establishments, services and beds and reopen beds where necessary.
    Real measures that guarantee access, proximity and optimal care in terms of quality and safety of care for all and everywhere.

Demonstrations and marches will take place this Tuesday, June 7, 2022 in about fifty cities in France.
