Demonstration was held against violence after the death of 13-year-old Milo

Song, speech and a minute’s silence. It was an atmosphere of sadness, but also strong community, that characterized the demonstration outside Björkhagen’s church in southern Stockholm.

– I think that if we do things together, it can help individuals with their own violence, their own battles, and how they fight, says Andrea Lidén, 15 years old.

Together with Adji Bah, 16 years old, and Ronja Edler, 16 years old, they have started the singing group “Reciliance” within the association “Björkhagens hjärta” which offers free music training, studio time and an open stage.

Serge Ilondelo, 20 years old and involved in, among other things, the Church of Sweden, and spoke from the stage that society must see the children of the suburbs as everyone’s children.

– It is not too late, even if life looks dark for some of them. They need more love in their hearts.
