demonstration of Albanians in Mitrovica, a city symbol of community divisions

demonstration of Albanians in Mitrovica a city symbol of community

The violence has subsided in northern Kosovo, where members of the Serbian community are still protesting against the election of Albanian mayors at the head of the municipalities where they are in the majority. But the situation remains relatively explosive. This Thursday, June 1 at noon, several dozen Albanians denounced the attitude of the Serbs, by demonstrating in Mitrovica, a city symbol of community divisions.

Report in Mitrovica, from our correspondent in the Balkans, Louis Seiller

As tensions remain high in the predominantly Serb north of Kosovo, dozens of young Albanians protested in front of the Mitrovica bridge, shouting anti-Serb slogans.

At 24, Fadil waves an Albanian flag: Serbs can say and repeat what they want – that “Kosovo is Serbia and the heart of Serbia” – Kosovo is not Serbia! Kosovo is a republic and an independent state recognized by many states around the world. »

Like most Albanian Kosovars, these demonstrators accuse the Serbian president of being responsible for the violence of recent days.

At 56, Arjan is a veteran of the Kosovo Liberation Army: “Thehe democratic world should not support a criminal fascist like the Serbian president, because he is an heir to Milosevic. Me, I fought in the Kosovo war, and I’m ready to fight again if necessary. »

On the other side of the bridge protected by the Kosovar police and the Italian carabinieri, a few Serbs watch the Albanian provocations, arms folded. This is the case of Milos, 44 years old: ” If they are ready for war, well, we are twice as ready. If possible, we would like to avoid war, but if we have to, we will defend ourselves. »

Westerners have repeatedly condemned the attitude of the Kosovar leaders and the tensions of recent days have further reinforced the community divisions in Kosovo.

>> To read also: Clashes in northern Kosovo leave dozens injured
