demonstration in Madrid in support of the Polisario Front

demonstration in Madrid in support of the Polisario Front

The demonstrators were 2,000, according to local authorities, in Madrid on Saturday to support Western Sahara and demand the right to self-determination for this territory which the United Nations considers “non-autonomous”. This event takes place a week after the reversal of the Spanish government, which aligned itself with the Moroccan position on this file.

On the placards of the demonstrators, in the streets of Madrid on Saturday March 26, one could read slogans like: “ Sahrawis are not your bargaining chip “, or ” The Sahara does not sell “. Sahrawi flags were also waved, as were flags of Podemos, a radical left Spanish party, yet an ally of the government in the ruling coalition in Spain.

The demonstrators protested against the statements of the Spanish Prime Minister a week ago. Pedro Sanchez suddenly changed position to support Morocco’s autonomy plan for the Western Sahara. Spain had previously displayed its neutrality on this issue since 1975, the date of its departure from this territory, which is therefore a former Spanish colony.

As a reminder, Western Sahara is a territory that the United Nations considers as “non-autonomous” around which oppose Morocco and the separatists of the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria, who are asking for a referendum on self-determination.

Spain’s turnaround puts an end to a diplomatic estrangement of almost a year with Morocco. On the other hand, he strained relations with Algiers, which has since recalled its ambassador to Spain.
