Demonstration in Kinshasa against the deployment of a regional force in eastern DRC

Demonstration in Kinshasa against the deployment of a regional force

The force, decided by East African heads of state, is to be deployed in eastern DRC following recent clashes between FARDC and M23.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

Several thousand people demonstrated in Kinshasa on Saturday to support the armed forces struggling with the rebels of M23, accused of being supported by Rwanda. The march was organized by Congolese citizens’ movements which oppose the imminent deployment of a regional force, decided by heads of state in East Africa. ” We are saying that there is no question of this force being deployed in the Congo. We think it will create a lot of confusion. This thing needs to be stopped “, Estimates the opponent Martin Fayulu.

The men will be under Kenyan command. DRC does not want Rwandan troops in this force. And for some, like Mr. Fayulu, the problem is not just the troops, but also the DRC’s membership of the East African Community (EAC). ” This case is to balkanize the Congo. We never had a feeling of hatred against anyone. The Congo is under attack. The problem today is the hegemony of Mr. Kagame “, according to the opponent.

Support for the FARDC

We must consolidate Central Africa and consolidate Africa as a whole “says Martin Fayulu, who believes that” the Congo today is being sabotaged “. ” And the Congolese say it with me that there is no question that we are part of this community. The Congolese people woke up as one man and as we say, “as one Congo” “.

The rally is also an opportunity to reaffirm their support for the Congolese army. ” We are united to defend the territorial integrity of our country to be all behind our FARDC By our spirits, by our prayers, we say that they will win “, he concludes.
