demonstration by the far-right Chega party against immigration

demonstration by the far right Chega party against immigration

Between 3 and 4,000 people from all over Portugal marched against immigration in Lisbon, the capital, on Sunday September 29 at the call of the far-right Chega party. A counter-demonstration in favor of immigrants was also organized in a square, surrounded by police vehicles to prevent any overflow.

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With our correspondent in Lisbon, Marie-Line Darcy

Not one more, not one more immigrant. The slogan was more than widely taken up by the demonstrators who responded to Chega’s call. André Ventura, the leader of the Party, acclaimed as a star, once again called for the establishment of quotas in order to limit the impact of immigration.

We are faced with uncontrolled immigration, with between 10 and 15% immigrants. Those who come from Morocco, Syria, Nepal and India, it is not because of a war, but for Europe. This is what is happening here and in Italy, in Greece, in Spain. Either we put an end to it, or one day there will be no more countries or borders “, he said.

Young people shouted for reconquest, as the procession approached Intendente Square, in the heart of Lisbon, where a counter-demonstration in favor of immigration was organized. A large police force had been deployed to prevent any contact between the two demonstrations.

Inês explains why she is there: “ I’m participating for the usual reasons. to fight against fascism and racism, and against these people who have nothing in their heads and who do not accept that other people come to live in our country “.

The presence of numerous Chega deputies and a large security force helped to avoid clashes, while the atmosphere was electric. Two people were arrested by the police.

Also readLegislative elections in Portugal: with André Ventura, the far right returns to the forefront of the political scene
