demonstration against the policies of the majority conservative right in Congress

demonstration against the policies of the majority conservative right in

A demonstration took place on Friday in Lima, at the call of organizations defending indigenous peoples to express anger at several laws passed in recent weeks by the predominantly conservative right-wing Congress, close to the Fujimorist forces, of the name of the autocrat ex-president of Peru in the 90s. All in a context of economic crisis, with a third of the inhabitants below the poverty line.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Lima, Juliette Chaignon

The march brought together around 200 people in front of the capital’s courthouse. A sparse procession for numerous demands summarized by Natalia, a demonstrator. “ From all sides, we are attacking the few rights that we had hard won “, she explains.

Next to her, Cecilia and her sign. A slogan: let them all get out. The congress, with a conservative right-wing majority, and President Dina Boluarte. “ They are destroying our country: education, the economy, women’s rights… They promote deforestation and illegal mining exports », she denounces.

A series of laws against the rule of law »

At the origin of the demonstration, organizations of indigenous peoples. Like AIDESEP, chaired by Jorge Perez, worried about the latest laws passed in Congress. “ There is a whole series of laws against the rule of law, such as that which weakens organizations benefiting from international cooperation budgets. Also impunity for crimes against environmental defenders and the weakening of institutions », he lists.

Institutions where Congress, rejected by 91% of Peruvians, places its allies. So much so that according to Alfonso Cotera, of the national coordination of human rights, there is in practice ” no more separation of powers “.

Another concern: a bill aimed at prescribing crimes against humanity committed before 2002. An assumed affront to international rules which would expose Peru to new sanctions from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Read alsoPeru: the controversial absences of President Dina Boluarte
