In Morocco, a demonstration took place against a judgment handed down by the courts in a case of rape of a minor which moved the whole country. Three men who repeatedly raped an 11-year-old girl have been sentenced to up to two years in prison. The demonstrators denounce a “lax” judicial decision.
With our correspondent in Rabat, Nadia Ben Mahfoudh
They were more than a hundred to respond to the call launched by “Rabii el Karama”, the coalition of the Spring of Dignity, a coalition of Moroccan associations for the defense of human rights. Placards and banners in hand, serious looks, the demonstrators chant “where is equality” after the judgment rendered by the Moroccan justice in the case of the rapists of an 11-year-old girl.
► To read also: Morocco: three men sentenced to two years in prison for the rape of an 11-year-old child
The three men tried for this crime were sentenced to up to two years in prison. ” We gathered today to ask how justice could make this decision when the law says that the rape of a minor is punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison. We ask not only that the judgment be reviewed, but also that the penal code be modified “, explains Khadija Zeriri, co-organizer of the rally.
The participants also ask that a children’s code be put in place to regulate court decisions related to cases of sexual violence on minors. For Ghizlane Mamoouni, president of the Kif mama kif baba association, which campaigns for equality between the two sexes, this would force judges to impose heavier sentences.
” This discretion left to the judge, which therefore exists in all countries of the world and which, in normal times, can be very useful in assessing particular cases, well there, is usefulized pTo send a message of total impunity to child rapists, child criminals. And that is unacceptable she says.
The Minister of Justice also said to himself ” frustrated and shocked by the verdict. For its part, the prosecution has appealed this decision and the trial begins Thursday at the Court of Appeal of Rabat.
► To read also: In Rabat, Moroccan women march for their rights and their emancipation
” Ilaw enforcement and harsher sentences »
But this case is not an isolated case. Media and NGOs frequently report cases of sexual violence in the country. Civil society organizations are therefore calling for tougher sanctions. However, the Moroccan Penal Code is very clear: perpetrators of rape theoretically incur up to 30 years in prison. So what does this case tell us about the way Moroccan justice deals with sexual crimes, especially with regard to minors? ” We need to work more on the application of laws and the toughening of sentences “, respond Khaoula Assebab, president of Jossour Moroccan Women’s Forum, an association that works to improve the situation of women in Morocco and around the world.
Such a heinous crime should leave no room for judges to lighten the sentence so much.
Khaoula Assebab, President of Jossour Moroccan Women’s Forum