Demography, talent and social sustainability: the new year of JUMP at Bocconi begins

Demography talent and social sustainability the new year of JUMP

(Finance) – Beyond 300 students gathered today at Bocconi University to participate in the meeting entitled “We can change course – today’s choices to build the future“. The event, focused on the themes of demographics, talent and social sustainability, marked the official opening of the new academic year of JUMP (Job University Matching Project)an innovative three-year interdisciplinary training course promoted by RUI Foundation.

During the meeting, Francesco Billari, Magnificent Rector of Bocconi University and full professor of demography, And Giuseppe Ghini, President of the RUI Foundation and Full Professor of Slavic Studies at the University of Urbinospoke with the students, introducing the key themes on which the project will develop. The session was opened by Francesca Travaglini, General Director of the RUI Foundationwhich underlined the importance of building training paths that combine academic knowledge with the skills required by the world of work.

Francesco Billari, in his speech, he highlighted how the new generations will be called to face increasingly complex global challenges. For this reason, he underlined, “we must accompany them along a path path of growth and development which combines the hard part, the acquisition of knowledge and analysis of reality anchored to data, with the soft part, i.e. the development of socio-emotional and practical skills which are now essential for success in the world of work. The union of these two dimensions makes future-proof students and empowers them to impact society.”

“Far grow talents at the service of society: being people who leave a trace. This is what we would like to be told about our residents, this is what we work for,” he said Giuseppe Ghini, President of the RUI Foundation, who continued: “We are in fact convinced that to become valid professionals, capable of contributing through their work to the common good, it is necessary to grow integrally as people: with this vision we propose in our university residences a training project which materializes in live together, in the one-on-one relationship with the trainers and among the students, in the sense of community that is generated. All these elements characterize our residences and are at the service of the university in a perspective of virtuous complementarity”.

“We want all the ingredients that go into residency life, JUMP included, to be able to encourage young people to commit themselves fully to study and to seize the various opportunities that present themselves to them, questioning themselves, growing in their ethical and social sensitivity, opening up to an intercultural and universal dimension to contribute, with responsibility, to the construction of their and our tomorrow”, he stated Francesca Travaglini, General Director of the RUI Foundation.

The JUMP project, born almost 20 years ago, it involves every year over 450 students and has more than 900 hours of training per yeardelivered by more than 130 teachers from the academic, entrepreneurial and managerial world. The program is open to students from all subject areas and is divided into three main axes: development of transversal skills (soft skills), interdisciplinary courses that address issues of ethics, politics and economics, and specific thematic paths for professional fields such as law, economics and medicine.

A distinctive element of the JUMP program is initiative JUMP+aimed at master’s degree students. This advanced component of the project offers career guidance activities that help participants develop a clear professional identity and prepare for the job market through collaborations with leading consultancies, international companies and business schools such as IESE and AESE.

The ultimate goal of the JUMP project is to train young talents who, in addition to excelling in their professional careers, are capable of contributing to the common good and leaving a positive impact on society. The RUI Foundation, with its constant commitment, aims to create an educational environment that encourages personal and professional growth, stimulating students to explore and enhance their talents from a perspective of social and human responsibility.
