Democratic support for Joe Biden erodes

Democratic support for Joe Biden erodes

Determined for the time being not to abandon the race for the White House despite concerns about his health, Joe Biden is campaigning in Pennsylvania on Sunday, July 7. In his own camp, the Democratic Party, they are becoming more and more pressing, worried about a possible defeat against the Republicans.

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In Pennsylvania, and especially Joe Biden’s stronghold, speculation is rife about the president’s future. In this key presidential state, Governor John Shapiro has been mentioned as a potential candidate to replace the outgoing president. But since then, he has continued to dismiss this hypothesis. Elsewhere, Democratic elected officials are becoming increasingly critical, both in private and in public.

And this could have an impact, believes Denis Lacorne, professor at CERI-Sciences Po. If we have a significant number of members of the House of Representatives, for example 25, plus a certain number of senators, then the pressure would be such that he would probably be forced to leave.he explains. We are not there yet, but the number of dissenting voices suggesting that he is no longer fit to govern is increasing, including among people relatively close to him like Pelosi or even Clyburn who facilitated his election during the South Carolina primaries. »

Crisis meeting ?

Already four House Democrats have publicly called for him to leave the race. According to NBC Newsthe Democratic minority leader of the House of Representatives, Hakeem Jeffries, is reportedly preparing a meeting with his colleagues about President Biden this Sunday. An urgency in their eyes after the announcement of several donors to suspend their support for Joe Biden.

Read alsoUS presidential campaign: if Joe Biden withdraws, the war chest will go to Kamala Harris

And that’s not all, because the senators, who are very discreet in the media, would do the same, according to the Washington PostVirginia Rep. Mark R. Warner, himself a candidate for re-election, is reportedly trying to bring together a group of Democratic senators in the coming days.

Some are now convinced that the president, isolated and poorly supported, does not have a clear idea of ​​the repercussions of his performances and their impact, including for the congressional elections. Joe Biden answered a question on this subject on Friday, July 5, to journalists. The American president affirmed that all the elected officials he met this week had asked him to stay in the race.
