Demirok (C): “Arbitrary that a cap can lead to visitation”

On Thursday, the government presented its bill on visitation zones, or security zones, which will come into force on March 28.

At the joint party press conference, certain clothing brands were raised as a reason for visits by the police.

– Not everyone who walks around with Gucci replica caps is a gang criminal, but many gang criminals wear Gucci replica caps, said the Liberals’ spokesperson for police affairs, Martin Melin.

Center Party party leader Muharrem Demirok sees the proposal.

– We are against what the government has presented. It is so arbitrary that the police should be able to select someone based on clothing, he says in SVT’s 30 minutes.

“Throws the rule of law overboard”

If this leads to success in preventing more crimes, isn’t that a good thing?

– The crime we see now is terrible and must be stopped. But that cannot happen at the price of us throwing all legal certainty overboard, says Muharrem Demirok (C).

Is this throwing all legal certainty overboard?

– If you put this together with the other proposals that have been presented, it is a sloping plan.

Watch 30 minutes on SVT Play at 19.30 and on SVT 2 at 22.00.
