Demand for Kalla’s resignation after her husband’s affairs

Demand for Kallas resignation after her husbands affairs
full screen Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Archive image. Photo: Sergei Grits/AP/TT

The pressure on Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas is increasing, after a scandal in which her husband’s business in Russia is at the center.

The opposition has demanded Kalla’s resignation and is considering requesting a vote of confidence, reports the news agency BNS. Calla’s own right-wing coalition demands more answers regarding her husband’s affairs.

Kallas, who has been clear about his support for Ukraine, has called on all European companies to stop doing business with Russia after the attack on Ukraine in February 2022. Meanwhile, Kallas’ husband, Arvo Hallik, owns 25 percent of a company with connections to Russia.

Hallik claims that his wife did not know about his business, and was unaware of how the loan of 350,000 euros that she gave his holding company has been used.

Hallik promised on Friday to sell his stake in Stark Logistics. The transport company has continued to work together with a company that has operations in Russia. However, according to the Estonian security service Kapo, the companies have not violated any sanctions.
