Delphine Seyrig in the spotlight – All the cinemas in the world

Delphine Seyrig in the spotlight All the cinemas in

She was a lady, an actress with such a unique voice (Michael Lonsdale said of her that she had a “cello voice”). Unforgettable Lilac Fairy in “ Donkey Skin » by Jacques Demy, Jeanne Dielman for Chantal Akerman, she had filmed under the direction of Marguerite Duras, Alain Resnais and François Truffaut.

Rebroadcast from April 1, 2023

But she was also a feminist activist and a visionary filmmaker. His documentary, Be beautiful and stop talkingis released in theaters and conquers a new generation of moviegoers.

While Chantal Akerman’s masterpiece, Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Brussels, voted best film in the world last year (2022) (by the magazine Sight and sound and the British Institute), will also be back on display in two weeks.

Delphine Seyrig is in the spotlight at All the Cinemas of the World this Saturday.

We receive Nicole Fernandez Ferrer, the co-president of the audiovisual center Simone de Beauvoira center co-founded by Delphine Seyrig in 1982 to gather, produce and distribute audiovisual documents on women’s rights, struggles and creation of art.

And Alexandre Moussa, academic who dedicated his thesis to Delphine Seyrig, “I am not an apparition, I am a woman”: Delphine Seyrig, icon of modern cinema, rebellious actress, feminist star.

Musical breaks : Delphine Seyrig sings in Peau d’Âne by Jacques Demy, and Feist Hiden out in the open.

References :

Delphine Seyrig,Under construction, by Jean-Marc Lalanne (Capricci editions).

– Delphine and Carole Insoumuses, by Callisto McNulty, available on the Madelen platform, Ina’s time machine.
