Delphine Diaz, refugee in history

Delphine Diaz refugee in history

Let’s stop this sinking of civilization! Did you spot this sentence from Pope Francis at the end of last year when he was at the bedside of the refugees from Lesbos? Shipwreck of civilization, migration crisis, what are the right words? It all depends on who takes the shot, the photographer will tell me.

Delphine diaz, lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Reims Champagne Ardennes (France), seemed to me to be familiar with focusing on the invisible and the outlaws of yesterday and today . The story of the exiles adrift was not born out of the last rain, it reminds us – archives in support – by publishing In exile, refugees in Europe from the end of the 18th century to the present day. To see his numerous collaborations and publications (I will quote An asylum for all peoples? Exiles and foreign refugees in France in the first 19th century) my little finger in G Major tells me that his family tree has something to tell us about all these burning questions …

The musical choices of Delphine Diaz

Jean-Philippe Rameau The gallant Indies

Joxean Artze and Mikel Laboa Txora txori / Hegoak

Rolling Stones Can‘t you hear me knocking

