Delon affair: faced with investigators, the sad words of the star for whom “life is over”

Delon affair faced with investigators the sad words of the

Le Parisien reveals Tuesday evening what emerged from the investigations carried out last July as part of the investigation opened after the complaint of Alain Delon’s three children against Hiromi Rollin. An investigation which was closed without further action, due to lack of specific suspicions.

“I want to die, life is over.” The words are unequivocal. They are attributed to Alain Delon. According to The Parisian, which reveals them on Tuesday January 23, the actor would have made these statements to investigators and to a general practitioner during hearings conducted in mid-July as part of the Hiromi Rollin affair, before the Delon clan stole itself in brilliance. The subject of discussion: the complaint filed by his three children against the woman who claims to have been the actor’s companion for three decades.

Initially confirming that he was indeed aware of the complaint in question, Alain Delon even claimed to be “happy and proud” of it. “They want us to stop pissing me off,” he argues, while recognizing that Hiromi Rollin was not just a simple companion as her children assure us. “At the beginning, she was my assistant director then she became more intimate,” he says, before confiding that over time, the relationship would then become more professional again. What about the violence he allegedly suffered? “Verbally, if we let it go, it ends badly,” he explains, before letting go that physically she would also have mistreated him “in response to [s]he strikes, physical. When she [l]’annoyed’.

For their part, the investigators specify in their report that the actor is “difficult” to understand, specifying “Alain Delon’s speech [est] very bad”, “he dozed off on numerous occasions”, “he was not able to make constructed sentences”. During the actor’s expertise in July 2023, he was also concluded “a total abolition [du] discernment” by Alain Delon, note The Parisian. On July 20, the daily also reveals, the general practitioner who examined Alain Delon declared in his report that the actor’s morale was “weak”. The sacred monster of cinema even said that he “wants to die and that life is over”. There is also talk of difficult communication and “a state of physical and psychological exhaustion with a major risk of suicide”.
