Delegates from Stratfords in the US, UK Australia, New Zealand and PEI arrived in Stratford this week for the Stratfords of the World meeting.

For the first time in 16 years, delegates from Stratfords around the world arrived in Stratford, Ont., Wednesday to experience the city and take in some local culture over the next week during the biennial Stratfords of the World reunion.
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First started in 1984 when a high school band from Stratford, Conn., visited the city, what eventually became the group known as Stratfords of World soon expanded to include Stratfords in the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand and PEI Every two years , each Stratford has taken turns hosting delegates from the other Stratfords for a week of events, celebrations, shows and much more as a way to strengthen the bonds between the similarly named communities.
“A lot of people have been going (to the different Stratfords) since the ’80s and ’90s, and they’ve found long-lasting friendships,” local Stratford of the Worlds advisory committee chair Joan Ayton said. “We meet in a different Stratford every two years, and it just happens to be our turn. … We were supposed to host in 2020 but, of course, COVID got in the way.”
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Having arrived here on Wednesday, the delegates from each country are staying with local host families and will partake in a number of events and activities planned by the local committee. These include a city tour and a bus tour of Perth County, with plenty of stops at points of interest along the way, a civic reception at Stratford City Hall with Mayor Martin Ritsma, a tour of the Stratford Festival Warehouse, the chance to see a play at the Stratford Festival, a walking ghost tour, a pub night at Gilly’s Pubhouse, a Stratfords of the World garden dedication in Upper Queen’s Park, and an afternoon and evening at the Stratford Perth Museum featuring local entertainment, vendors, a trail walk, a barbecue dinner and a chance to tour the exhibits.
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Local organizers also planned the week’s events so the delegates could take in puppet shows and live music during this weekend’s Stratford Summer Music and SpringWorks! PuppetWorks’ World in a Weekend International Puppet and Music Festival.
“We’re looking forward to seeing all the festival activities and stuff that’s being put on here,” said Dixon Lobb, a delegate from New Zealand. “This is the first time any of us has come to one of these things. We’re kind of like the next generation of people … so none of use have experienced this meeting. None of us have even been to Canada before, so this is completely new.
“We’re meant to be hosting the next one, so it’s very important we make some connections with people and see what’s involved. It looks like a lot. We’re so happy to be here and we appreciate all of the work that’s gone into hosting us.”
While the delegates of the each of the Stratfords enjoy spending time with their counterparts in different Stratfords around the world, Ayton said it’s been difficult to get younger residents involved in the local committee who can carry on this tradition when older members start to take a step back from organizing duties.
Through the events and activities planned this week, she said she hopes locals will learn a little more about Stratfords of the World and get involved with the committee.
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