“Degrading – painful to watch”

Former Foreign Minister Margot Wallström directs sharp criticism of NATO. She believes that Sweden was too eager in the application process. – It has become downright painful to watch, she says in Malou meets. She is a political superstar and our biggest political export with heavy assignments in the EU and UN. Sharp, empathetic but also criticized for his outspokenness. She remained the Social Democrats’ uncrowned queen as she repeatedly turned down the party leadership post. As foreign minister, she became world famous for her feminist foreign policy, but left the government in the middle of her mandate for family reasons. “Has become a humiliation” Malou meets Margot Wallström in a conversation about the conditions of politics, about the class journey from the workers’ home in Västerbotten to top international political jobs. And why did she never become party leader? In the interview, she also criticizes the process towards NATO membership. – The Swedish side was too eager. The same can be said in part about the previous government, the Social Democratic-led government, since then it has become downright painful to watch, she says. Malou asks what it is that has become painful. – To go there at prime minister level without it being prepared so that you can come home and both parties can say that we agreed on something, we move the positions forward, instead it has become a humiliation, says Margot Wallström. WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE!
