defenders of Ukraine lonely in the face of the neutrality displayed by their country

defenders of Ukraine lonely in the face of the neutrality

In South Africa, defenders of the Ukrainian cause are struggling to mobilize in the face of the neutrality displayed by their government in the face of the war launched by Russia on February 24, 2022. South African authorities who once again abstained from voting for a United Nations resolution condemning the conflict in Ukraine.

With our correspondent in Johannesburg, Claire Bargeles

South Africa, since the start of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has continued its historic strategy of non-alignment, refusing to condemn Moscow and abstaining again on February 23, 2023 in a vote on this conflict before the United Nations.

The country even recently received a visit from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and right now maritime military exercises are taking place off the East Coast, conducted jointly with Russia and China.

► To read also: In South African waters, naval maneuvers with Russia and China

Defenders of the Ukrainian cause in the country are therefore struggling to mobilize public opinion. A few small rallies are planned across the country this week to condemn the war.

Anastasia Korpeso, from the Association of Ukrainians in South Africa, organized one in front of the Russian Embassy in Pretoria. ” As Desmond Tutu said, staying neutral in the face of an unjust situation is actually taking the side of the oppressor.she says. We are devastated by this position of South Africa, which in any case is no longer neutral at all “.

“We are a bit caught between a rock and a hard place”

About fifty people made the trip. And, among them, several South Africans came to mix their voices with the songs, including Freeman. ” We, the people of Soweto and South Africa, have had a very difficult pasthe explains. And we have seen how some people want to dominate other nations. So, it is high time that we react and come here to support the Ukrainian cause “.

But difficult to mobilize in a country where local problems, such as load shedding, take over. Liberty failed to motivate many of her friends. ” Many people consider that it is not their responsibility, and that we should rather worry first and foremost about the wars taking place in Africa, only then to worry about the outside. “, he believes.

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Thapelo continues his daily life without joining the demonstrations, and even understands the position of his government: “ Remember that South Africa belongs to the BRICS [un groupe qui rassemble Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud, Ndlr], and must therefore support its allies there. But since we also have significant trade with the European Union, we are somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place. »

I’African National Congress (ANC), the party in power, always calls for dialogue and negotiations to end the war.
