Defeat to Emil Ruusuvuori in the opening round of the US Open – “A really miserable performance”

Defeat to Emil Ruusuvuori in the opening round of the

Emil Ruusuvuori lost to the young British player Jack Draper in straight three sets in the opening round of the US Open.

Emil Ruusuvuoren career at the tennis US Open ended in the opening round. A 20-year-old British player on the rise Jack Draper defeated Ruusuvuori 6–4, 6–3, 6–3.

Rusuvuori had beaten Draper in the summer on the grass courts of the Queen’s Club, but the Briton, now ranked 53rd in the world, took revenge. Rusuvuori is in 49th place this week.

– Draper is one of the best young newcomers, he has shown it in the last couple of weeks, Ruusuvuori said.

– The last time I played a really good match against him. Then I had much more steady work to do and I was able to put him in trouble. Today there were too many mistakes in the search for an aggressive game. All opportunities ended in mistakes. In that sense, a really miserable show.

Ruusuvuori’s North American tour included some good shows, but the last couple of weeks left him with a bad taste. In Washington, the Helsinki native advanced to the third round. In the Montreal and Cincinnati Masters, Ruusuvuori was both in the second round, but in Winston-Salem and the US Open he lost his opening match.

Ruusuvuori is still involved in the doubles game, as well as the doubles specialist Harri Heliövaara. Heliövaara plays his standard pair by Lloyd Glasspool with. Rosuvuori’s partner is a Slovenian Aljaz Bedene.

Rusuvuor was interviewed by Helen Scott-Smith
