(Finance) – The Government will have to evaluate the hypothesis of budget variance if the economic scenario worsens. It is the commitment contained in the resolution of the majority on the Economics and Finance Document (DEF) approved today in both houses of Parliament. The executive, the text reads, therefore undertakes a “to monitor, in real time, the trend of the macroeconomic situation and gods main economic indicators “ to eventually field measures similar to those launched for “the pandemic emergency, for the families, the workers and for that part of the production sector particularly affected by the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine “.
The executive will also have to allocate resources with the aim of countering the explosion in energy prices also “by revising the system of reference prices and fuel “, also ensuring the necessary liquidity to companies in line with the Community provisions on state aid. Always on the front of the dear-energyyou ask to “adjust funds intended for the realization of public investments due to the unforeseen dynamics of energy and raw material costs both for works in progress and for those to be awarded, primarily with reference to the projects identified in the PNRR “and to” also urgently initiate a comparison constructive for the establishment of an extraordinary European Energy Fund, as an instrument, available to the European Union and its members Member states, in support of fight against expensive energyin order to ensure a greater autonomy on the energy front “.
In the resolution there is also the commitment to “extend the deadline” which obliges single-family houses to carry out 30% of the works by June in order to take advantage of the Super bonus of 110% specifying that the percentage of 30% of the overall intervention refers to the complex of works and not to the individual works involved in the intervention.
One passage is dedicated to the tax authorities. The Government undertakes a “imprint the logic of the deflationary tools of the dispute also to the assessment of the effective possibilities for the taxpayer to meet his tax debt, to find the correct balance between tax interests and safeguarding business continuity “ and “greater powers of investigation and control” are requested by the Collection and the implementation of interoperable databases.
On the labor front, the majority asked to focus on strengthening the “dialogue with trade unions, employers and self-employment organizations” also looking at “tax or social security relief” and “initiatives necessary to solve emerging social problems by strengthening measures to tackle food poverty by also expanding the social bonus and growing generational, territorial, gender and wage disparities, with interventions aimed at reversing the demographic trend of the country, also by fully implementing the interventions envisaged by the Family Act “.
Additional Resources are solicited for the health system, school, university and research.
(Photo: ANSA)