Decongestant, this essential oil is best for unblocking the nose

Decongestant this essential oil is best for unblocking the nose

A cold, Covid or sinusitis? Here is the essential oil that will help you quickly unclog your nose thanks to its decongestant and vasoconstrictor properties.

THE stuffy nose is a symptom common viral infections such as common coldTHE Covid-19, the sinusitis… But it is very unpleasant, tiring and annoying as it prevents us from breathing well (and therefore from sleeping). Ideal for unblocking the nose is to turn to an essential oil decongestant and vasoconstrictor as the pepper mint. Thanks to the menthol it contains, it will act quickly to decongest the nose and help reduce the edema responsible for nasal congestion.

In drops on honey for example

Now that you know that it is peppermint essential oil that will help you unclog your nose, you are wondering how to use it. It’s easy. For example, you can:

► use it in inhalation : pour 2 drops on a tissue (or a support dedicated to the diffusion of essential oils) and breathe.

► use it orally (in the mouth directly): pour 2 drops on a teaspoon of honey for example, a piece of sugar, bread or in herbal teawithout exceeding 5 drops per day.

If in addition to the blocked nose, you cough, you can add 1 or 2 drops of peppermint with 1 or 2 drops of Scots pine (mucolytic and expectorant) in a bowl of hot water but not boiling and allow the scent of the oils to diffuse throughout the room.

Contraindications to know

Be careful, like all essential oils, peppermint has contraindications. It is therefore prohibited in children before the age of 8 but also in people allergic to mint, pregnant and breastfeeding women. THE epileptics Or asthmatics should first seek advice from their doctor before using it. She is too not recommended in cases of estrogen-dependent cancers or mastoses, cholelithiasisinflammation of the gallbladder, serious liver problems, hypertension and during significant cardiovascular problems.

Finally, even if we always really want to get rid of a cold as quickly as possibleyou have to be patient because it lasts at least a week. In addition to essential oils, taking zincof thyme herbal teas, of paracetamol and rest can help better cope with cold symptoms. We must avoid the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, known to unclog the nose but associated with numerous side effects and called into question by the Medicines Agency.
