Decision today: IVO closes the Sis home Långanäs in Eksjö

The serious irregularities have come to light during Ivo’s own inspection but also via information.

– Among other things, there is information that staff subjected those young people to severe physical violence, among other things, one young person had his arm broken, says Peder Carlsson to SVT.

Deteriorating situation

On Monday, Ivo made a decision to prohibit the State Board of Institutions (SiS) from conducting operations temporarily. It is about two departments. Already earlier this spring, several departments were closed due to a lack of fire protection.

Ivo believes that they have alerted SiS to the serious problems, but that the situation has not improved, but rather worsened. The children now need to be relocated.

– The serious information that has come to light means that we have to ban the activity in order to secure the health and personal safety of the placed children. IVO assesses that SiS lacks the ability to immediately make the changes that are necessary to ensure a safe and secure care environment for the children, says Peder Carlsson in the press release.

13 young people who currently live in Långanäs must now be relocated, that responsibility lies with the young people’s home municipalities.

SVT has searched Sis and those responsible at Långanäs.
