Decision in the municipal council: The alcohol zone in Sundsvall must be removed

There was a clear majority for the colloquially known as the “liquor park”, located in the immediate vicinity of the municipal hall in Sundsvall, to go.

The proposal for an alcohol zone where it would be permitted to consume drinks with an alcohol content above 3.5 percent originally came from the police who wanted to increase safety and order in the center.

The alcohol zone was hammered through on a trial basis, but fairly immediately after the introduction, complaints began to come in, not least from the municipality’s own staff. There were reports of people injecting drugs openly, sleeping fully and half-naked people both in the park and inside the municipality’s buildings and a general increase in insecurity in the area.

Majority for liquidation

The experiment has been evaluated during the autumn and before Monday’s council meeting, when the question of a continuation or closure of the project was to be debated, it was clear that there was an overwhelming political majority in favor of dismantling the alcohol zone.

After voting, it could be stated that the Center and the Liberals were the only parties in the council that wanted the project to continue.

In the video, Lisa Tynnemark (S) and Ina Lindström Skandevall (L) argue for their views on the issue.
