A traveler at heart and passionate about hybrid projects, Joanna Goodale is anything but a musician in the classical sense. In her new album Debussy in Resonance, the Franco-Swiss pianist and composer of Anglo-Turkish origin brings together works by French composer Claude Debussy with her own compositions combining piano, gongs and Tibetan bowls. In a back and forth between classical music and sounds of the Far East, Joanna Goodale takes us on a journey along the water. Carmen Lunsmann met the artist ahead of her tour which takes her to the south of France this Saturday August 6th. Joanna Goodale’s album Debussy in Resonance was released by Paraty / PIAS. The pianist will be in concert this Saturday August 6 and 13 in Occitanie (Le Bourg and Sainte-Colombe sur l’Hers).
“Debussy in Resonance” by Joanna Goodale: a hybrid album, an ode to nature