Deaths rise after Hurricane Helene


  • Deaths rise after Hurricane Helene

    At least 42 people have died after Hurricane Helene moved in over the southeastern United States, write NBC News.

    More than four million people were still without power as of Friday morning local time.

    When the storm made landfall at Big Bend in northern Florida, it was classified as a Category 4 hurricane – the most powerful storm ever to hit the area.

    It was then graded down to second and then a first. But nevertheless managed to create enormous havoc.

    In addition to Florida, the deaths have been reported in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

    Now Helene is moving north, and the concern is great for more catastrophic floods.


  • Boris Johnson considered invading the Netherlands

    Boris Johnson. Photo: Thomas Krych/AP

    Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson considered an invasion of the Netherlands.

    This is to seize vaccines against Covid-19.

    Johnson writes in an autobiography to be published next month, reports The Telegraph.

    The ex-prime minister is said to have consulted the armed forces if it would be possible to carry out a military operation against Leiden in the Netherlands and seize vaccines from a warehouse there.

    Five million doses of vaccine were stored in the building. Doses that Johnson considered to be British, because they were developed in Britain.

    However, he must have quickly realized that the plan was doomed to failure. He also admits in his autobiography that the idea of ​​invading a NATO ally was “crazy”.

    In the autobiography, he also reveals that he was close to dying from Covid in the pandemic.

  • Attempted murder in Halmstad

    The police were alerted this evening to an address in Andersberg in Halmstad where two injured people were.

    The injuries must have been inflicted with a sharp object, the police write on their website.

    The injured people have been taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is currently unclear.

    The perpetrator or perpetrators have not been found at this time.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

  • Trump campaign hacked – Iran blamed

    The US Department of Justice accuses three Iranians of hacking into Donald Trump’s election campaign. Archive image. Photo: Seth Wenig/AP/TT

    Three Iranians are accused by the US Department of Justice of hacking Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and spreading stolen information to the media.

    The people, who were employed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, are suspected of having tried to influence the upcoming US presidential election.

    According to the accusations, for several years they have carried out hacking attacks to access the accounts of US government officials and people in the political election campaigns.

    “There are a few actors in the world that pose a major threat to US national security, one of them being Iran,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland in a statement.

    The New York Times and Washington Post, among others, have said they were offered the classified information but refused to publish it.

  • Ten people in a fight

    At around 8:30 p.m., the police received a call that about ten people were fighting at Brunnsbotorget in Gothenburg.

    Several of them are said to have been masked, and according to the police, they had an attachment.

    When the police arrived at the scene, several people ran away. No one appears to have sustained any serious injuries.

  • Great effort – windsurfers are missing at the Öresund Bridge

    There is a major sea rescue effort underway in the Öresund after an alarm that a windsurfer is missing at the Öresund Bridge.

    – We have a big effort, the coast guard is on site and we also have a Danish helicopter searching, it’s called Rescue 31, says Johan Wahlström at the Maritime and Air Rescue Centre.

    The person must be 18 years old and must have been out with several other people, writes TV4.

    Wahlström, however, cannot comment on that information at the moment.

    The alarm came in at 19:25.

    – He is still missing, says Wahlström at around 8.30pm.

  • Woman arrested – suspected of injuring man with sharp knife

    A woman in her 30s was arrested on Friday afternoon in Vällingby in Stockholm.

    She is suspected of injuring a man in his 50s with a sharp knife.

    The man is said to be injured in the arm and taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The parties must live in a close relationship with each other.

    The crime classification is written as attempted murder or aggravated assault.

  • Kristersson on Kinberg Batra’s resignation

    Photo: Jakob Åkersten Brodén/TT

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is now commenting for the first time on Anna Kinberg Batra’s resignation.

    “Anna Kinberg Batra has had an important role in Swedish state administration as governor of Stockholm. The authority and the manager who leads the authority must carry out their mission in a way that deserves the public’s trust.

    The public has the right to make high demands on managers in the public administration and the public also has the right to expect action to be taken when mistakes have been made.

    I have said it many times: Trust is one of the finest things we have in Swedish society. Trust must not be undermined.

    After the decision that JO presented yesterday, it is clear that trust in the authority cannot be restored in any other way than for the County Administrative Board in Stockholm to get a new governor,” he writes in a text message to Aftonbladet.

  • Three cars in a collision on the E18

    Three cars have collided on the E18 in the southbound direction at Bro.

    There is a complete standstill in traffic.

    Three people are injured and taken to hospital by ambulance, according to the police.

    Two more people are affected, but are said to be uninjured.

    The police draw up a report for not keeping the appropriate distance to the vehicle in front and causing bodily harm.

    On the Swedish Transport Agency’s website, however, it says that one lane is open past the site.

  • At least 23 killed by Hurricane Helene

    At least 23 people have died in connection with Hurricane Helen, which has swept across the United States, writes CNN.

    The states where people have died are Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

  • Car and electric scooter in collision

    A passenger car and an electric scooter have collided in Lidköping.

    A 15-year-old girl has been taken to hospital with minor injuries.

    A report regarding negligence in traffic is drawn up.

    Initially, the driver of the electric scooter is suspected of being responsible for the accident.

  • Netanyahu: If you attack us, we attack you

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the UN General Assembly. Photo: Pamela Smith/AP/TT

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns Iran against striking Israel, in his speech before the UN General Assembly.

    Many delegates left the hall when the Prime Minister spoke.

    Netanyahu begins his speech by saying he “didn’t intend” to come this year because his country is “fighting for its life”. However, he chose to come to “bring clarity” to the “lies” that, according to him, have been spread about Israel.

    He says Israel is now focusing on “surveying” terror-labeled Hamas’ “remaining combat capability” and repatriating remaining people taken hostage by Hamas.

    Netanyahu also emphasizes that Hamas should have no role in the reconstruction of Gaza.

  • Dogs attacked woman in Barkarby

    Three dogs ran loose and lunged at people in Barkarby in Stockholm on Friday afternoon.

    Some people took shelter in a house, but a 75-year-old woman was bitten in the calf and was taken to hospital by ambulance, the police write on their website.

    At first no dog owner was seen, but then appeared to capture them.

    Several patrols went to the scene. The police decided to take the dogs into custody.

  • Anna Kinberg Batra to the government office

    Anna Kinberg Batra will be transferred to the government office as director with her salary maintained.

    It is valid until February 2029.

    Read more here.

  • Erik Slottner on AKB: “Respected the decision”

    Minister of Civil Affairs Erik Slottner comments on the government’s decision to remove Anna Kinberg Batra as governor.

    Did you force her to leave?

    – Yes, you can say that, in the sense that the government has made the decision. But Anna Kindberg Batra had respect for the government’s decision, says Erik Slottner.

    Of what she did, what was most serious?

    – It is an overall assessment we make based on the report from JO. It showed such great flaws that it is difficult to restore the trust that has been damaged.

    Now she will be moved to the government office as director, with the same salary.

    The government has not yet decided what she should do.

    – There is no agreement that applies to her specifically, this applies to heads of authorities. You get an appointment for a few years. I am absolutely sure that she will be able to be of great use elsewhere in the state.

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